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Upcoming Association Events

July 13, 2024

NSA Ohio Summer Picnic

Join your NSA Ohio colleagues on July 13th from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm for the 2024 NSA Ohio picnic. Bring your friends and family for some good old-fashioned fellowship. With your admission of $20 a person, we will supply the fun and food. Please register by July 10th.

Click Here to Register

Previous Events

The NSA Ohio year of professional development runs from September to May. Here's what we've experienced at previous seminars.


ProTrack is your professional speaking business incubator that provides strategies, skill development, and resources needed to build a sustainable professional speaking business.

The next class is planned for January 2024. Please click below to Learn More.


May 18, 2024

Shawna Suckow, CSP
Your Speaker Marketing MOSAIC©: Stand Out, Build Trust and Fill Your Pipeline

Competency: My Business

Are you putting in the prospecting time and effort, but just not getting the responses you want? Maybe it’s time for a new approach to help you stand out from the Sea of Sameness. Planners are flooded daily with calls and emails from every type of vendor, trying to sell them something. They’ve become immune to the usual types of outreach, and skeptical of most marketing (let’s face it...we all have). Once you get their attention, you have a (smaller than ever) window of opportunity to build trust. Your challenge is to humanize yourself immediately, in ways that are different from your competition, or you’ll never make it to the next round. That’s not easy to do...unless you know the secrets of the Personal Brand Mosaic©.

April 23, 2024 

Low Tech Solutions to Design Inclusive + Engaging Virtual Events with Robbie Samuels

Do you use Zoom to make money as a presenter, facilitator, trainer, consultant, or coach?

When Covid-19 brought all in-person events to a screeching halt, events became synonymous with virtual events. You now have Zoom basics down. The problem is that basic skills are not enough to stand out as a top-notch virtual presenter.
You don't need a high-tech recording studio with a green screen, hair light (that's a real thing), and fancy software to level up your Zoom game. Focus on improving your technique rather than your technology.

This training will help you design inclusive,  engaging, and transformative online experiences. 

March 23, 2024 

Exactly What to Say™ for Coaches and Speakers

Being a solo-preneur is hard enough. The work all falls to you. There is always more work to do than time to do it in.Too often we make it harder by not thinking about our most important conversations until we’re in the middle of them. In this presentation, Marc will show you exactly what to say and exactly how to do the relationship building in ways that increase your morale and effectiveness.

You'll leave this session with:
  • a strategy for consistently increasing sales opportunities
  • exact words to use in the most stressful conversations you experience
  • a system for strategizing your work around your strengths
  • a way to plan your work that helps you navigate the overwhelm

February 20, 2024

Future Proofing our Speaking Business: A Step Into AI's Realm
with Ray Waite, M.S. PMP

Competency: My Business

In today's dynamic and fiercely competitive world of professional speaking, staying ahead means embracing innovation and efficiency in business practices. Enter the realm of Artificial Intelligence, a transformative technology that has swiftly become indispensable for small business owners, providing automation of processes, data analysis, and predictive capabilities that drive growth and success.

Navigating the vast landscape of AI tools can be daunting, given the rapid pace of innovation. Many speakers find themselves perplexed, unsure of where to begin in the search for tools that align with their unique business needs. In this session, embark on a journey to demystify AI technology. We'll delve into the fundamentals and future trajectory of AI, and help you get started in finding the right technology to meet your specific business needs. 

January 20, 2024

Think Like a Director: How to Tell Stories They'll Never Forget
Mike Ganino

Competency: My Craft

You’ve already heard that “story” is the key to … well … literally everything. There are books on it; there are speeches on it; there are conferences all about it. But you don’t need another session squawking about the “neuroscience of story” or the “power of narrative” – you need someone to help you turn your experiences into unforgettables stories. The way to do it is not by studying another framework or whipping your hero into a journey – it’s by thinking like a director. In this hands-on session, Mike will help you become one of the storytellers who gets, keeps, and leverages your audience’s attention.

November 17, 2023

Developing Your Big Back End Framework: Use retreats, seminars and mastermind groups to add a new revenue stream to your speaking business 
Michelle Villalobos, CSP

Competency: My Books/Products

The speaking industry is shifting in unprecedented ways, with massive uncertainty plaguing traditional speaker models that rely on cushy keynote fees and corporate contracts. If you’ve been affected, perhaps you want another revenue stream to add to your offerings – and even eventually replace some or all of them! Michelle Villalobos, CSP, has crafted a simple framework to create a “Big Back End” using small events, retreats, and group coaching/mastermind programs (all without adding any cheesy or sleazy sales pitches at the end of your speeches). In this session, Michelle will share her small events/retreats/mastermind model that drives big back-end revenues (and big impact), as well as other game-changing information that she learned “the hard way.” Whether you ultimately choose to embark on this model or not, this presentation will have you thinking about YOUR business model and revenue streams in a whole new way.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Art of Crafting + Delivering a Powerful Presentation

Competency: My Craft

In this special Super Session speakers from the NSA Ohio Communication Mastery Conference will share tips related to the Craft of speaking. The Communication Mastery conference is focused on the corporate or professional non-professional speaker who must communicate in their work. In this Super Session a few of the speakers from the conference will share tips from the perspective of the professional speaker.

The team will focus on The Mechanics of a Presentation translated from simply “To Dos” into a flowing presentation that positively affects audience members.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Powerful Sales Systems: Strategies to Fill Your Pipeline
Meridith Elliott Powell, CSP, CPAE
NSA Chair-Elect

Competency: My Marketing and Sales

You followed all the rules. You read all the books. You implemented your best speaker sales strategies. And still you’re struggling to fill your pipeline.

Face it - the rules have changed and selling yourself as a speaker now has become the ultimate challenge. Join this hands-on session where NSA Chair-Elect Meridith Elliott Powell is going to walk you through the proven strategies you need to build a powerful sales system.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Shari Levitin
NSA Board Member

Competency: My Marketing and Sales

What is the latest in video technology that can boost your sales? The best approaches to selling speaking services is ever evolving. Shari brings the latest techniques that work. Plus: The NSA Ohio Annual Business Meeting and Headshot Day. 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

3 Elements to Getting on More Stages and Generating Higher Fees

Keith Abraham, CSP Competency: My Marketing and Sales

Virtual Super Session with a global authority on goal achievement and the creator of the GoalDriver Formula.

Wednesday, March 25, 2023

Passion for the Platform

Gary Rifkin, CSP, Cavett Award Winner

Competency: My Craft

Gary will help us channel the passion we have for what we do into value for our audiences. This seminar is hands-on with Hot Seats so we can workshop our craft together. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Wildfire: Creating Interest in Your Speaking Business with Everyone You Meet

Steve Hughes, CSP

Competency: My Marketing and Sales

Steve Hughes is an award-winning international speaker who helps people look and sound smart when they talk. He'll help us go beyond online marketing to fill our speaking calendars. 

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Gold Medals Don’t Win Championships

Rick Metzger, CSP
NSA Ohio Past President

Competency: My Craft

In this special seminar our own Rick Metzger will demonstrate what he does every day, speaking to students. We will invite students to fill the theater and Rick will demonstrate what he does with his important clients. Why? Young people are a tough nut to crack as far as being relevant and creating engagement. We will learn techniques and approaches we can take to our adult audiences. 

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Increase Credibility by Publishing a Book

Dianna Booher, MA, CSP, CPAE

Competency: My Books and Products Become a published top selling author.
  • Do you dream of selling your book to a major publishing house?
  • Need a step-by-step process to write a quality book in 7-28 days?
  • Need ideas to market your book?
Then cut your learning curve with Hall of Fame speaker Dianna Booher.
Plus: Special Workshop Event – Booher Book Camp November 14-16. Learn more and secure your spot in the book camp here.

Thursday, October 13, 2022 Virtual Super Session

Thrive: Turning Uncertainty To Competitive Advantage

Meridith Elliott Powell, CSP, CPAE
NSA Chair-Elect

Competency: My Business

Competitive, challenging and constantly changing – that is today’s marketplace! To grow and compete you need a new perspective and a new approach to sales, marketing and business growth. In this high-energy, power-packed session, Meridith Elliott Powell shares the innovative strategies you need to redefine disruption, put you in the driver’s seat, and turn uncertainty to your competitive advantage.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Thrive: Turning Uncertainty To Competitive Advantage

Meridith Elliott Powell, CSP, CPAE
NSA Chair-Elect

Competency: My Business

Competitive, challenging and constantly changing – that is today’s marketplace! To grow and compete you need a new perspective and a new approach to sales, marketing and business growth. In this high-energy, power-packed session, Meridith Elliott Powell shares the innovative strategies you need to redefine disruption, put you in the driver’s seat, and turn uncertainty to your competitive advantage.

Note: Due to Covid Meridith was unable to join us in September. Mark Hunter, CSP joined us virtually. Meridith takes his spot in the October Super Session. 

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P.O. Box 775
Hilliard, OH 43026

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